Corporate Social Responsibility

Health and Safety
We apply high standards in our management and operations as we hold strongly to the conviction that health and safety of our employees and our customers are of critical importance. MSM complies with all national health, safety and food safety laws and regulations that are designed to protect workers, customers as well as consumers of our products. As such, we have developed specific operating and maintenance procedures. We report the compliance related data on a regular basis to the local regulatory offices. Our operations are subject to inspections by government authorities throughout the year.
To date, the results of inspections and other compliance requirements have met all regulatory specifications. MSM fully realises the increasing emphasis on occupational safety and health. To be in line with international best practices, we are in the process of obtaining certification of OHSAS 18001 – the global standard for Occupational Safety and Health Management System. We expect to receive the OHSAS 18001 certification by mid-2012.
As part of this certification process, all aspects of our safety management, practices and standards are constantly reviewed. Safety levels of our operations are appraised in a monthly safety awareness meeting. We also conduct walk-through inspections to verify safety conditions and employee activities. Training programmes that apply to all phases of our production processes are carried out on an on-going basis to ensure that enhanced and improved safety and hygiene standards are being met.
As refined sugar products are combustible under certain conditions, fire safety is a prime area of focus. Fire safety inspections of our production facilities are regularly conducted in order to prevent flare-ups, explosions or other disastrous accidents. We have also established internal fire-fighting teams as well as medical clinics on-site for quick emergency response should the need arise.