Corporate Social Responsibility

MSM is a subsidiary of Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGVH) which, in turn, is wholly owned by the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA). We are part of a Group where community development and well-being is core to our business as FELDA’s charter is development and welfare of 112,635 rural settler-smallholders throughout the entire country.
MSM’s earnings contribute to FGVH’s profits and these are returned to FELDA. The proceeds from its businesses enable FELDA to be internally-funded. It pays for FELDA’s overheads and finances many settler-centric programmes run by FELDA. This range from housing improvement loans, training and development programmes for settler children, infrastructure and facilities development in settlement areas and various aid programmes. Financial contribution from MSM and other Felda companies ensures FELDA’s success over the last 56 years in looking after settler communities and sustaining the vibrancy of Malaysia’s plantation sector.
Moreover, through FELDA and Felda Holdings’ contribution of two percent net profit to Yayasan Felda, MSM helps to spur a variety of charitable causes and initiatives centering on educational, healthcare and philanthropic causes. For example, in 2011, Yayasan Felda disbursed a total of RM11.6 million as financial assistance to school pupils, participants of skill courses and students at local institutions of higher learning.
RM3.1 million went to medical support and subsidised treatment for the chronically ill and elderly. Grants totalling RM1.1 million fund research projects which benefit society and put Malaysia on the international map of scientific and technological breakthroughs. Another RM11.5 million was spent on ad-hoc basis to help unfortunates and meet the welfare needs of low income Malaysians. Yayasan Felda also provides housing and financial assistance to those stricken by natural disasters.